Helena, Montana, July 28, 2023 – (SEAPRWire) – Vacaya, a new luxury travel brand, announced today its full-ship and full-resort charter solutions aimed at providing an inclusive, judgment-free vacation experience for people across the LGBT+ spectrum and beyond. With nearly a century of combined experience, Vacaya’s leadership team conceived of and built the company around the belief that there is an opportunity to blend the celebratory spirit of all-gay travel with the expansive options of mainstream travel.

“We created Vacaya to fill a void in the travel industry. We wanted to design experiences inclusive of the whole LGBT+ community while also welcoming allies and everyone else seeking an open-minded, life-affirming getaway,” said Patrick Gunn, Chief Marketing Officer of Vacaya. “Our goal is to offer something for everyone through a highly curated array of activities, world-class entertainment, gourmet dining, exciting destinations, and personal growth opportunities.”
Vacaya charters entire ships and resorts to provide guests an immersive luxury travel experience. Vacaya worked closely with Celebrity Cruises to customize an itinerary featuring stops in Key West, Cozumel, Belize City, Roatan, and Costa Maya.
“We chose destinations renowned for their natural beauty, ecological and historical significance, as well as their LGBT-friendly environments,” said Gunn. “Each location will offer a multitude of experiences for our guests to choose from – everything from sunbathing on secluded beaches to volunteering with wildlife sanctuaries.”
What can customers get from Vacaya’s service?
- Silly Calendar Creations:
Consider creating a calendar as a group activity for when one wants to spend quality time together. They can either construct a calendar for the entire year and have everyone sign it, or they can make one specifically for the holidays. Create a humorous calendar featuring images of everyone who will be attending the trip or other event by including group shots and individual portraits. They could even make one with everyone’s names on the front! These can also be printed off at home and stored for later use.
- Packing Party Extravaganza:
Even if they don’t have much time to spare, friends and family can help pack by attending a packing party. To relieve stress and have a good time with loved ones, take advantage of this opportunity. Choosing a location, such as a park, the backyard, or the great outdoors, is the first order of business. Next one would need to determine which goods don’t need to be packed until later (like toiletries) and which ones need to be washed before leaving (toothbrushes). When finished taking care of everything else, all that’s left to do is the actual packing!
- Laughter on the Screen:
Watching comedies on TV and in the movies is a great way to get in the mood for the trip. It’s okay to poke fun at oneself while watching — in fact, it’s encouraged! Check out some reviews online to see if other people had the same experience if one isn’t sure what kinds of jokes will make you laugh. Then, after they’ve narrowed down (or added to) this list, grab some friends or family members and watch something hilarious on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video.
- Postcard Pranks:
Postcards are a classic way to send a message, and they’re also perfect for a vacation prank. Postcards can be used as cute souvenirs or even as practical jokes. Whether going on one’s own trip or with friends, postcards are an ideal way to keep in touch while away. One could even give them as gifts at the end of the trip—or send them back home so that they’re waiting when returning!
- Costume Carnival:
There are many ways to prepare for the trip and one of them is by wearing a costume. If one wants to dress up, there are plenty of options available! They can go as a dinosaur or clown. Or maybe if it’s Halloween they’d like to be an astronaut? How about dressing up like your favorite character from Harry Potter? If none of those sound appealing, perhaps something simpler will work better: homemade costumes! First of all this project takes time so don’t expect it to be done in one day (unless that’s what happens when making any kind of project). Secondly, when making these types of things remember not only do they require more than just paint sprayers but also glue guns which means more money spent on materials plus another step at the end when everything has dried out enough so that everything won’t fall apart after wearing them around all day long…
- Melodies of Merriment:
If one has never been on a trip with their partner, I have to assume that it’s because one is from a different planet. They’re weird, and I don’t mean that as an insult—everyone is weird in their own way. The important thing is that when the two of them get together (and if they haven’t met yet), they should know what they’re getting into: two people who are willing to laugh at everything and anything, even if it means sharing some embarrassing stories with strangers over dinner or during a hike through the wilderness.
- Taste Testing Hilarity:
This is the chance to indulge the sweet desire and try something new. It’s possible that the variety of tasty options on a restaurant’s menu or in the grocery store’s vegetable section will surprise one. If one’s a chocoholic, I recommend stopping by the store one last time before leaving on vacation so one can stock up on sweets. There must be some delectable treat waiting to be discovered!
- Customized Chuckles:
Sending a personalized version of “Chuckles” as a present is a lot of fun. One can personalize the packaging by writing a note to the recipient about what they’re getting, how to use it, and why they believe the recipient will adore their new mug.
- Montage of Mirth:
Montage of Mirth is a collage of hilarious photos. It’s an arrangement of images that are combined to make a cohesive whole, and it can be used in any kind of media, whether it’s an image or video. Here’s how one can use a montage to one’s advantage:
– Create a montage using social media posts from friends who have been on vacation recently.
– Use photos from travel websites like TripAdvisor or Yelp—or even just Google yourself! If traveling somewhere new (or if wanting some inspiration), find some pictures online that remind you why this trip is so important.
– Make sure everyone has their own photo album ready before packing up for the airport; then send everyone else one as well so they know where everything belongs during the flight itself (and after).
Entertainment and activities aboard the Celebrity Summit will include Broadway-caliber shows, drag bingo, singles mixers, tantra workshops, and afternoon tea dances. Diverse, locally-inspired cuisine will be served 24 hours a day at a wide range of complimentary and specialty dining options.
“The Vacaya team has created what we believe will be an unforgettable experience, one that embraces and honors the kaleidoscope of life,” said Gunn. “We invite everyone seeking deeper human connections to join us. Together, let us open our minds, move our bodies, thrill our senses, expand our consciousness, and just live – fully – in the moment.”
Vacaya, the leading travel company, revolutionizes the industry with its innovative mobile travel apps, offering full-ship resort solutions tailored to the unique needs of subculture groups, promoting mindful exploration, and facilitating deeper connections.
Media Contact
Brand: Vacaya
Contact: Media team
Website: https://www.myvacaya.com/
SOURCE: Vacaya
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